How to do a sensitivity test

How to do a sensitivity test

You should perform a skin sensitivity test 48 hours before colouring.

  1. Cleanse with alcohol a skin area of approx. 1 behind the ear or on the inside of your elbow. If you wear ear rings, take them off.
  2. Pour several drops of the developer in a non-metal bowl and mix with the same amount of the hair dye cream.
  3. Apply the mixture on the area indicated above, leave uncovered for 45 minutes. Avoid contact with clothing or jewellery. Afterwards rinse thoroughly with water.
  4. If during this period of time you notice any unusual reactions such as itching, redness or swelling of the skin in the test area or around it, DO NOT USE THE HAIR COLOUR.

In case of hypersensitivity-associated reactions, seek medical advice.

How to dye my hair with KOLORA

How to dye my hair with KOLORA

Follow the 4 steps of colouring process to achieve best results and shiny long-lasting colour.

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