At the prestigious Wabel Home, Beauty & Personal Care Summit in Paris, the Wabel Awards 2017 were granted. KOLORA ZERO conquered the competition and took the first prize in the Natural & Free from category. This is the first award for the hair dye, which comes only six months after its launch in the market and makes us proud with such a remarkable success. It is also a proof of the well-deserved consumers trust and appreciation of leading cosmetics experts!
KOLORA ZERO has been also among the Top 3 of Best Innovation category nominees. The jury of experts and specialists of leading brands in the industry (L'Oréal, Chanel, Amore Pacific and others) was impressed by the innovative formula of the hair dye and emphasized the importance of its achievement.
KOLORA ZERO is the only hair color with such a distinction so far!
KOLORA covers entirely the white hairs and ensures a permanent and even colour.
If your natural hair colour is between light blonde and dark blonde, you can lighten your hair by up to 2 shades using 7.0 Kolora Natural blonde, 7.65 Kolora Almond blonde, 8.0 Kolora Golden blonde, and 9.8 Kolora Ash blonde, or by up to 3 shades using 10.2 Kolora Pearl blonde.
No. KOLORA hair colour requires a more precise application. Follow these 3 steps:
1. Divide the hair into separate sections.
2. Apply the mixture on the roots and massage it in.
3. Apply it on the entire length of the hair and comb it to obtain an even colour.